Too Much Writing! Not For Long.

It's one thing to tell you about our stealth stalking of monks in Luang Prabang for the ideal photo opportunity and it's another thing to try to put the monumental stairs at Angkor Wat into words, but neither are good without showing you.

Hold on ... loading Picasa now. And wow is it cool to automatically surf my whole computer for photos! I have no original way to sing the praises of Google beyond what's already been said by others. 'Nuff said!! Photos coming soon ... of travels, of remodeling and other household adventures, and of course, of my very stealthy stalking cat ... which was still in utero when we were in Laos so I didn't learn how to stalk monks from her!

One major exception to praise of Google though ... shoulda figured ... I set up a gmail account while downloading Picasa and now only the gmail account shows up in Blogger instead of my account. Grrrrrrrrrrrr! Thus far in life I've littered servers everywhere with a trail of unused email accounts. Don't need no more! Thanks Google, ya been reading the Yahoo playbook of how to annoy folks ... don't force me to use an email account only for your services. Like I said, though, shoulda figured ...

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